Winter Sunset

It’s cold and dark, but sunsets like this are our reward…here’s to the winter solstice and more sunlight in our lives!

Author: Gretchen Fauske

I love Anchorage. I love what it is, what it's been, and what I dream it will be. I share my adventures with DJ (my husband), my fabulous family and friends, two frenchies named Grover and Teddy, and now, all of you. If you love Anchorage too, get in touch - guest posts are welcome!

2 thoughts on “Winter Sunset”

  1. Thank you for sharing the wonderful sunset. That is beautiful. How long after sunrise does sunset occur this time of year?

    1. I had to look up the answer, because I didn’t actually know! Here’s a good link to answer your question: The darkness really affects some people mood-wise; for me, I just want to hibernate, but don’t seem to get depressed. In the summers, when we have a lot of light, it’s harder for me to relax; there’s a kind of prickly energy. Oddly, summer never really feels natural to me – it’s so fleeting. Cold and dark is where I’m comfortable (although I do really start to crave sunshine and warmth after a few months!). Interesting to pause and think about how something like light can affect so much!

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