Love Note: This is Democracy (in the Snow)

Today was the Women’s March on Washington, and Anchorage turned out to the tune of 2,000 – 3,500 people. It was an incredible feeling to be part of such a massive, peaceful movement and I couldn’t stop smiling as we marched in the snow and as I saw photos of events all over the world rolling through my Facebook feed.

For me participating meant standing up for what I believe in: democracy, equality, kindness, freedom of speech, being a welcoming community, and making choices from a place of love instead of hate.

You inspire me, Anchorage – here’s to hope, and to being the change we want to see in the world.

Also, if you missed it, Aziz Ansari did a great job framing this moment in history during his monologue for Saturday Night Live, and Weekend Update was the funniest it’s been in a long, long time.


Photo by Chase Christi

Author: Gretchen Fauske

I love Anchorage. I love what it is, what it's been, and what I dream it will be. I share my adventures with DJ (my husband), my fabulous family and friends, two frenchies named Grover and Teddy, and now, all of you. If you love Anchorage too, get in touch - guest posts are welcome!