DJ and I stopped by Snow City Cafe for brunch last weekend (hooray for reservations! We only waited five minutes) and not only did we bump into all sorts of fun friends, we also met these lovelies by Believe Magic.
Author: Gretchen Fauske
My Danskos are Dead…Long Live my Danskos!
I wore my Danskos until my feet started getting wet from the soles up. It was hard for me to let them go (as you can see, I probably should have tossed them months, maybe years, ago), but I’ve hung on to them since college and parting with them felt like something more momentous than simply tossing some broken-down shoes in a dumpster. But they were starting to stink, so to the trash they went. And now I get to pick out a new pair!
Continue reading “My Danskos are Dead…Long Live my Danskos!”
Go Gold Nugget!
Today is the Gold Nugget Triathlon, and oh what a day! The snow has melted, it’s sunshiney and gorgeous (although still a tiny bit chilly at 44 degrees), and maybe, just maybe our summer is finally beginning.
Stories Around Town: Alaskan Springtime Febreze, Arctic Vision, a Dolorean, and More
Lots of great stories this week, starting with the new Alaskan Springtime Febreze scent!
Anchorage Community Works – Making a More Vibrant Anchorage
I’m so in love with Anchorage Community Works idea to create “a place for Anchorage creatives to think, work, and play.” The founders, Brooklyn Baggett, Cody Augdahl, Craig Updegrove, and Paul Clark, launched a Kickstarter campaign to purchase equipment and furnishings for the warehouse facility in Ship Creek.
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The Stage is Set
Doesn’t this stage look great? I love the bright pink background, and when you look across the theater at the empty microphones awaiting the performance, it’s a moment full of anticipation. Anything could happen!
Lemonade Day Alaska
Today was Lemonade Day in Alaska! Lemonade Day was founded in 2007 by Michael Holthouse to inspire “today’s youth to through helping them start, own and operate their very own business…a lemonade stand.”
Stories Around Town: Dog Swimming Pools, Spenardia, and a Message in a Bottle
I read a lot – for work, for fun. If I can’t find something interesting to read it makes me feel twitchy and frustrated. Fortunately for me, there’s a lot of good stuff out there! I hope you enjoy these stories too.
Continue reading “Stories Around Town: Dog Swimming Pools, Spenardia, and a Message in a Bottle”
Great Alaska Seafood Cook-off
Last night was the 2nd Annual Great Alaska Seafood Cook-off and it was SO COOL. Six of Alaska’s best chefs competed to represent our state at the Great American Seafood Cook-off in New Orleans, August 2013.
Great Design at the BP Energy Center
Last week I visited the BP Energy Center for the first time. Apart from the fact I was attending a fascinating class with inspiring people, I love love LOVED the building.