Drink (Kaladi Bros) Coffee, Feed a Kid on New Year’s Day


This is the Red Goat’s New Year’s Day schedule (snagged from Facebook):

  1. Celebrate.
  2. Sleep in.
  3. Buy coffee at KBC and help feed a hungry child.

This is my New Year’s Day schedule:

  1. Celebrate.
  2. Sleep in.
  3. Buy coffee at KBC and help feed a hungry child.

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Blueberries @ Denali Montessori School

More urban foraging!  I just discovered the blueberries at Denali Montessori School, bordering 9th Ave.  Between the strawberries at the museum, the blueberries at Denali, and the salmon in ship creek, my husband (or bears!) could almost create his favorite dinner.  Not all harvested at the same time, of course – the few fish I saw at the hatchery the other day were starting to look a little bedraggled… but the blueberries look great!