Love Note: Peace

I spotted this at Valley of the Moon Park today.

I don’t know if it was a nod to Veteran’s day or just a love note/good thought for the world in general. Regardless, it’s lovely.  Such a quiet, non-permanent kind of graffiti, with a simple, sweet sentiment.


Open Letter to Anchorage Assembly re: Proposed Library Budget Cuts

Dear Members of the Anchorage Assembly,

Thank you so much for the service you provide to our community.  I appreciate the time and energy that all of you spend making sure that Anchorage is a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

Anchorage Artist: Erin Pollock

One of the best parts of getting older is starting to see the people you’ve known for years come into their own.   I love watching the people around me doing amazing things with their lives.  It’s so interesting to see the journeys people take, and sometimes, observing from the fringes is the most exciting – being too close can limit your perspective (like when you look at your own life and think it’s been an uneventful year, and then you realize that you got married, started a new job, bought your first home, and got a dog).

A journey I’ve followed from afar is that of Anchorage-born artist Erin Pollock.

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