This is my favorite painted wall in downtown Anchorage right now. So simple, so pretty, art for a parking lot. I love that someone took the time to create this.
Making an IMPACT
Last week I caught part of Momentum Dance Collective’s IMPACT performance at the Kincaid Bunker. Like all the projects Momentum has been part of, it was evocative, powerful, and thought-provoking.
Downtown Scavenger Hunt…BE THERE.
Ever wanted to test your knowledge of downtown? There are a lot of us that think we know every nook and cranny, all the “Best Places to <fill in the blank>,” and the fastest way to get wherever we want to go…but do we really?
Saturday, May 2 is the perfect opportunity to prove your downtowniness at United Way’s Downtown Scavenger Hunt. I’ll be there with my team, the Infuriated Chipmunks, ready to match wits and speed with the best of Anchorage!
Love Note: Animal Encounters
Sometimes when you’re running errands, you decided to stop by one of your favorite galleries to see what’s new… and as you browse, a bird named Beau grabs the leash of a dog (also browsing), and the two of them proceed to tie you up as you admire “Bleeding Hearts” by Catherine Sengungetuk. So random, so fun. You never know what you’re going to find at the blue.hollomon gallery.
Three Great Projects Need You: Citizen, IMPACT, and Writer’s Block
How much do you love crowdfunding? It’s such a great way to support really interesting local projects that might not otherwise have a chance to take flight. There are THREE projects that I’m loving right now:
- Citizen by Todd Grebe and Cold Country on Kickstarter
- IMPACT by Momentum Dance Collective on indiegogo
- The Writer’s Block Bookstore and Cafe by Vered Mares on gofundme
Continue reading “Three Great Projects Need You: Citizen, IMPACT, and Writer’s Block”
The Hot Smoker
There are many, many reasons to love Fire Island Bakery. The croissants, for one. The fact that they’ve brought back the concept of a neighborhood bakery to Anchorage, for another. Then there’s the chocolate chip cookies. And the poppy seed onion rolls. Of course, the scones, muffins, cupcakes, and more.
But I recently found a new reason: Fire Island is now offering classes! Topics range from sourdough to viennoiserie, both of which sound interesting, but most intriguing was the “Hot Smoker” class taught by Carlyle.
Dream it. Do it.
TEDxAnchorage was this weekend, the culmination of months of anticipation (excitement, terror, and everything in between). My biggest takeaway was how amazing and kind people are – family, friends, and people I just met. I’m going to share more about the overall experience later (TEDxAnchorage volunteers are the best!) but for now, THANK YOU to everyone who sent encouraging texts, emails, FB messages, voicemails, flowers, and shared a part of their Saturday afternoon with me.
For those that have asked, the text of my speech is below.
PSA: Test your vitamin D
I recently visited my doctor to make sure my health was in order, and when she inquired about testing my vitamin D levels, I offhandedly said, “Sure, why not?” Imagine my surprise when I scored an eight… out of 30-100 (the “healthy” range). Basically, I was severely deficient in vitamin D by every standard out there.
Love Note: Rendezvous Come on!
Another Rondy in the books… for those of you that don’t know, Fur Rendezvous is the nation’s premier winter festival (and my favorite way to liven up this time of year). The city turns out for all sorts of events: fireworks, pond hockey, a parade, the horn and hide auction, a melodrama, the Miners and Trappers Ball, frostbite footraces, snow sculpture competition, a carnival, outhouse races, snow shoe softball, a talent competition, and the much-loved running of the reindeer – there’s definitely something for everyone! It’s so much fun to see downtown Anchorage fill up with people excited to be part of Rondy (especially my buddy over at You Know Juneau). Just another reason to love Anchorage.
Farewell to Diane’s…
Tomorrow is the last day that Dianne’s Restaurant in the Atwood building will be open.