Earlier this month I visited New Hampshire for my brother’s wedding. His wife (my new sister-in-law! Yea!) is from Portsmouth, and her parents live in Franconia, so although they are fellow Anchorage-dwellers, the wedding was held back east.
Library Advisory Board: Looking Back, Looking Forward
For the last six years, on the third Wednesday of every month, you could find me at one of Anchorage’s libraries as part of the Municipality of Anchorage Library Advisory Board. October 16 marked my last meeting, the conclusion of two terms as a member of the board.
Saying goodbye is bittersweet: Being a member of the board has been incredibly rewarding and I will miss it, but boards need new energy and fresh perspective to stay healthy and it’s my turn to step down.
Continue reading “Library Advisory Board: Looking Back, Looking Forward”
About Face
In Anchorage, Nordies has long been known as THE place to buy lingerie. Decent inventory, personal fittings, conveniently located. Leaps and bounds above Victoria’s Secret. And yet, shopping there was just something to reluctantly check off my to-do list, sandwiched somewhere between jeans shopping and swimsuit shopping. A necessary evil, but certainly not fun.
And then I found About Face.
Love Note: Colorful Cruising
Those Crazy Chickens
Last weekend we decided to stop by the Sport Fish Hatchery for one last look at the salmon.
Big Wild Life Roast
Did you know that Anchorage has an official coffee? Kaladi Bros is responsible for the Big Wild Life Blend.
Happy Smiles
Congratulations to my brother and his bride! Aren’t they adorable?
This is one of my favorite photos from the big day: The “I dos” were said, the kiss was had, and guests were departing for the reception. These are “we did it!” smiles – don’t their faces just radiate pure joy? Every time I look at this picture I start to smile.
I’m so very, very happy for them.
Art Fuels Anchorage
Have you heard about Art Fuels Anchorage? It’s the new creative placemaking effort of Live.Work.Play. “putting creativity and art at the forefront of economic development.”
At Last, the Light Brigade!
I’ve been eagerly awaiting the Light Brigade’s celebration of the equinox/Over Beyond Across Through art intervention since JANUARY. My anticipation was heightened by the occasional Facebook update or more recently, glimpses of practice sessions against the museum façade on my way home.
It was worth the wait.
Mostly Work and Not Enough Play…
…makes this a pretty boring blog. And much of the time, work is fascinating, inspiring, and a lot of fun, so I don’t mind if I’m mostly work… except that I’ve been behind on sharing all sorts of things I’m loving about Anchorage!