Love Note: Garden Goldfish

Fish in a Jar

Another highlight from the Anchorage Garden Tour. These goldfish were so pretty and such a surprise to find sitting atop a picnic table. I think they must have just been out for the day to enjoy all the company and sunshine?

My sister-in-law’s family designs gorgeous ponds filled with koi in Las Vegas – obviously not a fit for Anchorage gardens; I think these sweet little goldfish might be as close as we come.

Love Note: Pigeons


These pigeons live in one of the gardens on the Anchorage Garden Tour. Next door are some exceptionally lovely chickens, but I was more fascinated by these pretties. What does one do with all of them? Enjoy their cooing? Teach them to carry messages? Do people eat pigeon eggs? And, how do they do in our winters?

I’ve always liked pigeons, despite having lived in Washington D.C. where more than one person referred to them as winged vermin. For some reason, I like knowing that pigeons live in Turnagain.

Love Note: Yoga in the Park

Yoga in the Park

Tomorrow is the last day for Yoga in the Park this summer! I’m sad to say I didn’t participate… somehow, I always had something else going on, or forgot until it was too late. Bummer for me. I did stop to snap this photo on my way home one evening (I guess I could have stopped to practice, but a skirt and a sweater just didn’t seem like the most yoga-riffic clothes); I think the participants were “letting go of their days and making room for yoga in their lives…” at this moment.

I love that the Alaska Club puts on this event in the summers, that it’s free to everyone, and that so many people (I bet they’ve passed 200!) participate. Maybe they’ll extend through August, especially if our good weather sticks around?